
©Melanie McCloskey Photography

Be well

Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energy healing using spiritually guided universal life force energy. Reiki can help ease tension and stress and support the body to facilitate healing on all levels: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. Sessions are relaxing and often utilized for personal wellness.

Reiki is available to local clients only or offered at a distance session with prior arrangements. Please call for information or book a “Fit Session” to enquire. I look forward to supporting you.

Reiki Sessions

Prior to the healing work we explore your intention for receiving Reiki and may gain clarity through the coaching process to assist you in getting the most from your session.

"I wanted to give you an update since our session, and say thank you! I have had tremendous turn around regarding will power, self-expression and staying present. I'm feeling very empowered now, as I can bring my thoughts into action. You have a lot of talent with your healing work." 

Aaron, Portland, OR

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“Body Mind Spirit" sessions

Combine Coaching, Reiki and a custom Essential Oil application for a personalized transformational session to clear blocks, nourish and integrate your intention on all levels. Treat yourself to these three powerful modalities for a unique wellness experience. May include personalized oil blend.

Local clients please schedule through "Laser Coaching Session". Please inquire ahead for distance sessions.